
less installation time

The lift of the coating structure to the design reference mark is made by boom cranes, hydraulic or screw jacks, rarely-tower or gantry cranes, in exceptional cases-with the help of mounting masts. The number of installation mechanisms, their load capacity, location and place of slinging is calculated at the stage of creation of the detailed project execution plan (PEP)

For the installation of continuous spatial structures of the coating on the permanent grids of the columns, it is most expedient to use the assembly method at the working elevation using movable scaffolds the size of the grid of columns. As a rule, such scaffoldings are assembled from rods and nodes of the Futuris system, which at the last stage of installation are built into the spatial structure

The installation speed of the Futuris elements is impressive: a team of 4-5 people is able to collect 1000 m2 of structural structure in 5 working shifts. Labor costs are 0.15–0.2 man-hours/m2. Such high rates are achieved due to several factors

First, the details of the structure are made with engineering precision, so the assembly of elements is easy

Secondly, the production workers put the structural elements in a logical sequence, convenient for smooth assembly

Thirdly, the operation of the node element is constructed with automatic centering in the nodes

Fourth, the installation of Futuris structures can be done in two ways: at the design reference mark or on the ground, followed by lift to the design reference mark. The only condition for a high-quality assembly of structures on the ground is a leveled area or the use of tables-supports of various sizes in height
