Interest in architecture Dmitry Kolesnikov showed since childhood. The first step towards the future
Became a decision to enroll in a specialized class with a
Drawing and drawing.
In 1995 Dmitry entered the Novosibirsk Architectural and Art Institute
(The current NGAHA). After high school I got a job as an architect in APM
In 2005, Kolesnikov was admitted to the staff of Sibmashproekt LLC, where he worked
Architect, and then the lead architect.
In 2007, the future founder of Futuris Ltd. passed a semiannual internship in
Design and construction company Bratslavsky Consulting Engineers, Inc., Ankorage
From 2008 to 2012 he was the chief architect in the company Sibmashproekt.
In early 2013, Dmitry Kolesnikov received a patent for a useful model of the nodal
Joints of rods in the framework of buildings and structures No. 132098.
In 2015, two more patents for the utility model of the junction
Rods of the spatial framework of buildings and structures No. 153964 and No. 158891.
In 2013 Dmitry Kolesnikov founded the company "Futuris", which is managed by